
From PERSONAL TRAINING, PRIVATE YOGA and HEALTHY LIFESTYLE COACHING to group YOGA CLASSES. You can train in person or online, what do you prefer?

Train your body & mind

ONLINE or IN PERSON sessions

Empowering you with the knowledge & tools to take your physical and emotional well-being to the next level

Exercise aside from strengthening the body can be used as a tool to forge a strong mind and construct a relationship with ourselves and our bodies based on love and respect.

I call this Intuitive Well-Being.

One of the most challenging relationships we have in life is with ourselves. Whilst we build strength we will also forge a mind that supports our journey.

What do you seek?

Private Yoga & Personal Training

Choose the traits you wish to embody and I will empower you with the knowledge and tools to get you there:





Self Acceptance



Healing your body & mind through movement

Intuitive eating



Take your understanding to the next level


Tap into the language of your body

Build a body that is strong & agile

An intuitive practise – feel into what your body needs each day

Understand the science of your body & mind


Healthy Lifestyle Coaching

How to transform your daily habits for lifelong results

Lasting health and happiness come from the small, consistent practises that help us not only transform our physical bodies but also empower us and help us build trust in ourselves and our actions.

What the coaching involves

Improving sleep

How to eat intuitively

Is intermittent fasting (IF) right for your body & creating your personal IF protocol

Meditation and journaling practises to build a strong mind

Breathing practises to relax & stimulate the nervous system

Learning to enjoy the journey

Having someone on your side guiding you to find your inner warrior!

It's more than just sessions of exercise

This is a journey of discovery, to learn habits of self-care & methods of mindful exercise so that living in your body is a joy. What we do together is more than just sessions of exercise, it is learning to adapt to changes, to loving your body and giving it the best care, love and attention it truly deserves.
My goal is to teach you to listen to what your body needs, to enjoy looking after yourself. Your sessions will be adapted to the daily and longer-term fluctuations in your body, to maximise your evolution to your best self.

Menu of training modalities

Strength Training
Bodyweight training
Mobility and Flexibility
Posture Correction
Injury Recovery
Functional Strength & Fitness
Healing Pain
Thai Yoga Massage
Deep Tissue
Relaxing Massage
Myofascial release

Investment Options

Blocks of sessions last 2 months

1 session 60€ *
5 sessions 275€ *
10 sessions 500€ *


* If the sessions are taken in a gym or space that requires payment of rent, this is separate and varies according to the establishment’s prices



Creating physical strength & flexibility within a mindful practice will show you how to consistently move past your perceived limitations on and off the mat, into an ever-evolving, best version of you.
Se trata de aprender a confiar en tí. This practice is about learning to trust yourself. Becoming physically and in turn, mentally strong and flexible.


A mindful, slower flow practice to gain strength, balance and flexibility. Discover joy and freedom in your own skin, moving with strength and ease and learning to love and respect yourself. Finding your edge on the mat where you evolve without either forcing or falling into the trap of laziness. This is a space to observe the self and learn skills and tools to take into everyday life. To be strong we must practice strength. To love ourselves, let us practice this.


Practicing various techniques to change our state and to release chronic emotional tension. Energising pranayama to stimulate the body & mind and calming pranayama to stimulate the relaxation response. Conscious breathing to help us come into the present moment and to teach the body to swiftly change from stress to calm and from fatigued to revitalised. The breath is a powerful tool that can brings us many health benefits.


Yoga Mijas Costa Spain in Studio Fusiom

1 class € 15 | 4 classes 48 € | 8 classes € 72

Monthly Membership

1 Class per week 40€

2 Classes per week 64€


Private Yoga Classes Mijas

(For individuals consult the personal training section)

Up to 5 people € 70, 6 or more € 90




Thai Yoga Massage

A combination of assisted stretches, deep tissue release and massage with oils.

Deep Tissue & Myofascial Release

To release muscular & emotional tension & pain

Relaxing Massage

To enter into the parasympathetic nervous system where the body restores, regenerates and heals.

Recovery & Massage 60 and 75 minutes or in combination with your Personal Training


45€ > 60 minutes massage
55€ > 75 minutes massage

Retreats & Workshops

Women’s Healing Retreats
Power Yoga
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Sound Healing
Strength Training

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