
Working with Rachael made me enjoy and look forward to exercising! I was a beginner with Yoga and have never been to a gym but Rachael helped me to feel comfortable and settled during our one to one Personal Training and Yoga classes. We did a mixture of PT with Yoga which was really nice to get used to things and I soon felt a difference within myself and noticed a visible difference pretty quickly too. She inspires me and makes me want to keep going with wellness and fitness goals. She’s very knowledgable and goes out of her way to help with whatever is needed

Lisa Flanagan


Exercise aside from strengthening the muscles, heart and lungs, can be used as a tool to build a strong mind and a relationship with ourselves and our bodies based on love and respect.

I call this Intuitive Well-Being.

One of the most challening relationships we have in life is with ourselves, with the inner voice. Whilst we build strength we will also forge a mind that supports our journey.

Mindful exercise that combines agility, balance, strength and flexibility.

Healhy lifestyle coaching, how to transform your daily habits for lifelong results.

The power of meditation and using the breath to reduce stress & anxiety.

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